Where’s the best place to sell liquidated stock?
Liquidated stock can go to many places, but only some offer good, easy to confirm prices. Online liquidators are some of the best to get you a quick deal, being some of the easiest to reach out to and having the quickest response times due to not needing to meet up at all. You can find people online for inventory liquidation often in major online spaces for businesses to deal, but your best value will come from picking out one that has their own website.
Going for a liquidators own website can take more time, although this is counteracted by the lack of fees that other larger websites would take from you. If you don’t have time to pick out a liquidator best fit for you, then places like ebay are best for you with their large communities buying constantly, but your best value will come from individual liquidators websites. A good place to look for these more profitable liquidators is Pink Liquidation, having worked in the field since 2020 and have everything you would need from what’s been said.
How do you value liquidated stock?
While having the option of choosing speed or value is good and all, how do you actually choose which one to go with for the businesses unique stance? It all depends on what the stock is, how much of it there is, and how much money the business needs. Say you have lots of expensive stock you need liquidated and a different product is selling like mad! In this case, you’d want to get the stock gone quickly to put money into the best selling product, and for that you’d want to find the fastest liquidator while sacrificing a little bit of the money you get back.
These three factors are what affect how you evaluate when to sell excess stock with liquidation, but how many there are isn’t all you have to take into account, as SKUs are a big part of looking at how many you can get sold. SKUs (Stock Keeping Unit) is a measure of how many unique products you have, which differentiates itself from quantity which is the total amount of stock. For example, if you have 5 chairs and 2 tables, you’d have a quantity of 7 (5+2) and an SKU of 2 (1+1). Liquidators would use an SKU:quantity ratio when deciding the value of the liquidated stock, looking for a low SKU and a high quantity. This means they would want a ratio like 1:50 more than 3:80 as there are more duplicate products, meaning that they will be easier to sell on.
Should you liquidate your products?
Stock often comes in and out of storage, but when you have some stuck that you’re trying to liquidate it’s important to evaluate the costs and the profits involved with keeping this stock to liquidate it. The main problem is how much actual space you have to fit all your stock into, as stock up for liquidation is in mass so can take a significant amount of room that other selling products could utilise. Deciding whether or not the cost is worth it comes down to a few things, but the main ones are storage space available and the value of stock.
The value of stock accounts for the value of stock coming in and the stock being liquidated, as if your stock for liquidation is low but the stock coming in is high, it could often just be better to give the stock for a significantly lower price to get it gone quick so you have room for the better, more profitable stock. Don’t act on it with just that though, as you also have to think about storage space. If you have enough space to pick up all the profitable stock, even if you have to leave a few worse deals it can be better as the liquidated stock could outperform those left deals in profit.
Where to take your (now valued) liquidation stock
Once it’s been decided to sell the liquidation stock and you know what price you need to earn from it, you can go looking at which choice to take, cheap and quick, or valuable and longer. Here at Pink Liquidation, we think you should be able to get value without the trouble of it taking so long you end up losing money. For this reason, we pride ourselves on how we give out amazing prices quickly and with a simple process. We even get to you to take the stock within 24 hours so you don’t have to take the costs from keeping it in storage wishing for the day it gets picked up. You can simply press ‘sell your stock’ and fill in your contact details for us to reach you by, and we can get straight to deciding on a price right for you.
How do I sell old inventory online?
Old inventory can be great for liquidation as it often builds up overtime, this makes it more valuable to liquidators as they look for mass stock. Do be careful with old stock though, as they’re often fads that are no longer popular and end up being much lower value than they once were, making earning back your money much more difficult. If you already have inventory of these fads, it is best to liquidate them but it’s important to know that liquidators may charge you lower prices due to them going down allot in price over time, not them trying to maximise profits to an absurd amount.
Can obsolete inventory be sold?
While most obsolete inventory is sellable, it’s important to account for why it has become obsolete. There are two big differences in why they become obsolete, one being the business having no use for it, and the other being the customers have no use for it. While this may be hard to differentiate, it’s important to discern. The business may not need it if they are either changing their target market or have made a better one themself, but the customers may not need it if there’s a superior option they would take instead. If only the company doesn’t need it, then it’s going to fetch a good price in liquidation, but if the customers don’t need it then it’s going to be a tough sale.
Can you liquidate clearance products?
When done right, clearance products are actually very good to liquidate, but the problem is doing it right in the first place. Clearance is often applied to a mass amount of stock, so in that regard it’s great for liquidators to take, but as we talked about before you have to keep in mind SKUs when talking about quantity. Clearance often also has a high SKU count, making it not so desirable to a liquidator. Whether or not you should liquidate your clearance products depend upon its SKU:quantity ratio, as sometimes even if your SKU is high you might be able to just have so much stock it becomes a good ratio.